its happy birthday to valarie, my best pal of 8 years, not happy birthday to valerie, my sister of 14 years. hehe. i always thought she had an awesome birthday date, on valentine's day! but that means she'll get only one gift instead of 2. i just gave her a call after work, and the call was really freaking expensive. i spent a 100 rupees for all of 15 minutes on the phone with her and lydia, and that 15 minutes barely fit in all the latest gossip, even if lydia was talking at machine gun speed. haha! you know what the wierd part is? i was really happy talking to these 2 girls, i mean, i haven't seen them in the longest time, and getting in touch with someone from singapore is such a rare and precious experience, considering i don't readily get internet access here. yet just 2 minutes after i hung up on this super-charged and happy telephone call (actually, the phone operator cut the line because there wasn't enough money to continue the call, those mercenary bitches), i felt like the most destitute, most lonely, and most homesick thing in the world. now what the hell is wrong with me?
in any case, i am now at another internet cafe, and i think the time has come for me to post more photos. so! do stay tuned and check out my trigger happy moments. its valentine's day today, and i can see all those indian boys lining up to take me out already. there are still more getting ready behind those coconut trees. and then we are going to sing and dance and do sexy limbo rocks around the coconut tree, haha!